Can You Celebrate Christmas While Jesus’ Homeland is Being Bombed & Poisoned?

3 minutes

A familiar chill hangs in the air, spiced with cinnamon and pine. Carols drift down bustling streets, and twinkling lights paint the world in festive hues.  Yes, it’s Christmastime, a season of joy, peace on Earth, and goodwill towards all. But this year, as we gather around tables laden with festive foods and sing carols of hope, a dark shadow looms. For the land where Jesus walked, the birthplace of Christianity, is being ravaged by bombs and poisoned.

The question hangs heavy, like mistletoe in a doorway: can we truly celebrate Christmas amidst such suffering?

The answer, like the star atop a Christmas tree, isn’t a simple one-size-fits-all.

For some, the answer lies in defiance. How can we sing of peace while bombs explode in Palestine?  They choose to amplify the stories of those suffering, to use the platform of Christmas to shine a light on the injustices faced by our brothers and sisters, both new and historic. They raise awareness, organise fundraising, and call for action, their voices a counterpoint to the festive din.

Others find solace in the very spirit of Christmas.  They believe that amidst the darkness, the birth of Jesus shines brighter, a beacon of hope and resilience. They see in the stories of refugees and displaced families a reflection of the Holy Family’s own journey. They find strength in the compassion and generosity that Christmas evokes, choosing to channel that spirit into acts of kindness and support for those in need.

Still others grapple with the dissonance, the festive cheer clashing with the grim reality of genocide. They feel the weight of the world on their shoulders, the joy of Christmas tinged with sorrow and anger.  They may choose quiet reflection, prayer, or simply holding space for the pain of others.

The truth is, there’s no right or wrong way to navigate this complex landscape. This Christmas, hold your loved ones close, savour the warmth of the season, and let the spirit of compassion guide your actions.

Here are some ways you can honour the spirit of Christmas while acknowledging the suffering of our Palestinian brothers, sisters, and siblings:

  • Donate to organisations working on the ground: the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, Human Appeal and Médicins Sans Frontières are just a few examples
  • Raise awareness: share stories and resources about the situation in Palestine; elevate Palestinian voices: Bisan and Motaz, are sharing directly from Gaza, as are many others across social media and trusted news sources
  • Advocate for a ceasefire and end to the occupation: contact your elected officials and urge them to support an end to the genocide and Zionist settler colonial occupation
  • Choose conscious consumption: support Palestinian-owned businesses, as well as businesses that are committed to ethical sourcing and fair trade practices; additionally, check the BDS Movement list to keep up with the companies being boycotted
  • Offer an act of kindness or a prayer: remember that even small gestures of compassion can make a difference

Ultimately, how we choose to celebrate Christmas is a personal choice; but let us not forget that the spirit of this season transcends the tinsel and the turkey.  It’s about love, about hope, about shining a light in the darkness. And perhaps, just perhaps, that light can reach even the corners of the world where bombs fall and chemicals poison.

This Christmas, let us celebrate with open hearts, remembering that the message of peace and goodwill extends far beyond the borders of our own lives. Let the joy of the season be a catalyst for action, a reminder that even in the darkest moments, we can choose to be a force for good in the world.

Merry Christmas, and may the light of hope guide us all towards a brighter future.

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