Namaste and Noisemakers: Using our Platforms for Good

3 minutes

Let’s talk about using our voices, especially online, for good

Here’s the thing: social media can be a beautiful, messy landscape.  It connects us, inspires us, entertains us, but it can also be – let’s face it – a bit of a noisy echo chamber. We share sunsets, smoothie bowls, days out, and parts of our āsana practice, but sometimes, when it comes to using our platforms to advocate for others, well, we can get a little quiet.

Now, of course I’m not suggesting you ditch your yoga practice for full-time activism.  We all have our own paths, and our own ways of contributing. But I do want to encourage us, myself included, to remember the spirit of yoga extends far beyond the mat. It’s about connection, compassion, and using our privilege, no matter how small, to lift others up.

Remember that Maya Angelou quote: “None of us can be free until everybody is free.”? It’s a truth that hits like a perfect śavāsana after a wonderful vinyāsa flow.  After all: we can’t just zen out in our own little bubbles of wellness while folks around us & around the world are struggling.

So, how do we step up our social media game and turn those likes and shares into something meaningful? Here are a few thoughts:

Listen before you lead: this one’s crucial - let’s not speak over the voices we’re hoping to amplify.  If you’re passionate about supporting a cause, find the people on the front lines, the ones living and breathing the issue, and listen to their stories.  Amplify their voices, share their platforms, and donate to organisations they recommend. Remember, we’re not the heroes; we’re the cheerleaders cheering on the real changemakers

Fact-check like a warrior: misinformation swirls around online like dust in a corner.  Before you hit share on that juicy post about the cure for everything (spoiler alert: there probably isn’t one), do your research.  Check sources, cross-reference information, and make sure what you’re spreading is truth, not fluffy feel-good fluff or over-exaggerated bad news.

Embrace uncomfortable conversations: yes, those posts about systemic injustice, environmental issues, and inequality might ruffle some feathers (including our own), but guess what?  That’s okay!  Growth can be messy, but sometimes, a little friction can spark the most illuminating conversations. Be open to learning, be open to changing your mind, and be willing to have those tough talks, even if it means losing a few followers along the way.

And finally, remember, kindness is always in style. We can be respectful, even when we disagree. with others; and we can share our own journy while remembering it’s not the only one. Celebrate diversity, and use your voice to spread empathy, not hate.

Here’s the beautiful truth: when we stand together, when we lift each other up, when we use our platforms not just for selfies but for solidarity, that’s when the magic happens. That’s when the ripples of our practice extend beyond the mat and create real change in the world.

So, let’s get loud, let’s get messy, and let’s get real. Let us turn our social media echo chambers into amphitheaters of compassion, where everyone has a voice, everyone is heard, and everyone – in their own unique way – can contribute to a world where everyone gets to experience freedom, happiness, connection, and fullfilment.

In 2024, let’s move on to a year of mindful scrolling, conscious sharing, and using our voices to make the world a little bit brighter, for all people.

What are your favorite ways to use social media for good? Let’s start a conversation in the comments below!

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